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Dinamika Hubungan Perusahaan dan Komunitas Konsumen Sebuah Implikasi Stratejik bagi Pemasar

Yudho Hartono


Nowadays we are facing a new phenomenon suddenly emergedconsumer community in Indonesia. For a particular reason thisemergence of community should be interesting because theirexistence give benefit to brand owners. It creates customers loyaltyand commitment to the brand. Unfortunately, many brand ownersare still not aware about the existence of consumer community.A new perspective is needed to bridge the gap between the brandowners and the community. To have a better relationship with thecommunity, brand owners should understand the face of communitysconsumption. This article describes activities that brand owners shoulddo in developing such community. It is found that there is a dynamicof test the water relationship model between brand owners and thecommunity. Brand owners should pay more attention to build a strongand long term relationship with the community as their strategy inorder to gain sustainable benefit from this kind of relation.

Keywords: brand owners, consumer community, face of communitys consumption, relationship model

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