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Impact of Covid-19 Lockdown on Agricultural Production

Akshay Meena, Anita Meena


This study aims to assess the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the agricultural crop production in India and identify the factors affecting the agricultural crop production in India during the lockdown period. Due to the pandemic, production of Rabi crops such as Jowar and coarse cereals has declined, and the growth rate of Kharif crops such as Bajra and coarse cereals production has also been dropped. Among the horticulture crops, the growth rate of fruit production has been adversely affected by the restrictions imposed during the lockdown. Fertilizer consumption, annual rainfall, pesticide consumption, and storage capacity are identified as major determinants affecting agricultural crop production in the country during the lockdown period.


COVID-19; Lockdown; Horticulture Production; Agricultural Production

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Copyright (c) 2022 Anita Meena, Akshay Meena

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