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Examining Savvy Salespeople Practicing Entrepreneurship and Client-Oriented Selling to Enhance Cross-Border Sales

Hubert Widiastono, Fathony Rahman, Christiana Yosevina


The research is intended to validate a conceptual model that cross-border sales performance will be enhanced for salespeople practicing corporate entrepreneurship and client-oriented selling while the firm possesses strong absorptive capacity. The quantitative research methodology will be employed such that questionnaires will be distributed to 218 respondents working in various multinational companies. The research findings of this paper include a comprehensive depiction of firms’ salespeople practicing Corporate Entrepreneurship, Client Oriented Selling will enhance their Cross-border Sales Performance upon the firm’s strong Absorptive Capacity. The research builds general knowledge of marketing phenomena to provide a tool for B2B firms to formulate their strategy in implementing Corporate Entrepreneurship, Client Oriented Selling, applying for Absorptive Capacity, and achieving their Cross-border Sales target performance.


Corporate Entrepreneurship, Clients Oriented Selling, Absorptive Capacity, Cross-border Sales Performance.

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