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Insight into Fintech Products and Services in India among Generation Z

Abhijeet Anand, Himani Himani, Abhishek Kumar Gautam, Satish Modi


The primary objective of this research endeavor is to establish  comprehensive comprehension of the attitudes harbored by Generation Z towards Fintech products and services, as well as identify influential factors shaping their adoption and utilization patterns. This study endeavors to furnish valuable insights pertaining to the determinants impacting the adoption and usage of Fintech within this demographic. To achieve this goal, a descriptive and exploratory research design was employed, drawing upon a sample comprising more than 200 respondents. The study encompasses an extensive analysis of the market landscape, key industry participants, and emerging trends that are reshaping the Fintech sector. Research findings divulge that variables such as technological compatibility, economic stability, and usage frequency wield significant influence over Generation Z's perception and embrace of Fintech. The results accentuate the pivotal role played by these factors in shaping the level of acceptance and adoption of Fintech technologies among this demographic.


Fintech, Generation Z, Techno Friendliness, Economic stability, Acceptability

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Copyright (c) 2023 Abhijeet Anand, Himani ., Abhishek Kumar Gautam, Dr Satish Modi

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