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Relationships Between Total Quality Management Practices, Organizational Culture and Teachers Performance: Study From Seventh Day Adventist High Schools In West Indonesia

Ronny Buha Sihotang, Zenyka Viedeyona Zebedeus


Teachers performance is the main key of school organizations success. As the key, teachers genuineness is highlighted to be the most demanding of the school operations. They are actors, patrons, front liner workers, and models for the future. It shows that the role of teachers is the center of school operations. In the same situations, school operations are affected by school culture and quality management practices that enhance the teachers to do their duties properly. Teachers performances are tied to the culture and total quality management practices of the schools. The purpose of this research is to elaborate the relationships between implementation of total quality management practices, organizational culture and teachers performance. The research results indicate that there is a strong relationship between total quality management practices and teachers performance. Also there is a moderate relationship between organizational culture and teachers performance. While the relationship between total quality management and oganizationa culture is moderate relationship. Both total quality management practices and organizational culture positively and significantly affect teachers performance.


Teachers Performance, Quality Management Practices, Organization Culture, School Operation

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PDF pp.105-119


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