
Journal Author(s) Rights

In order for IRJBS to publish and disseminate research articles, we need publishing rights (transferred from author(s) to publisher). This is determined by a publishing agreement between the Author(s) and IRJBS. This agreement deals with the transfer or license of the copyright of publishing to IRJBS, while Authors still retain significant rights to use and share their own published articles. IRJBS supports the need for authors to share, disseminate and maximize the impact of their research and these rights, in any databases.

As a journal Author, you have rights for a large range of uses of your article, including use by your employing institute or company. These Author rights can be exercised without the need to obtain specific permission. Authors publishing in IRJBS journals have wide rights to use their works for teaching and scholarly purposes without needing to seek permissionincluding:

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.