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Airport Company Leadership Communication Style as A Coach in the Era of Change

Ahmad Mulyana, Ricko Sugyanto


This article describes an adaptation of the leadership communication style in the pandemic era to maintain business continuity. The analysis uses the theory of change, organizational communication, and leadership. The method used is a case study with a qualitative approach where data mining is carried out through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The study results concluded that the leadership style applied as a communication pattern as a coach with employees to maintain business continuity. Through this pattern, the nature of the partnership with employees is well established. This research has implications for efforts to prioritize the leader’s communication competence as Coach leadership style in implementing changes during the Covid-19 pandemic. The study results show that the role of the leader as a Coach can raise employee awareness to understand and accept changing conditions and have a commitment to take actions that can maintain the company’s business continuity.

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Anchal Luthra, Richa Dahiya 2015, ‘Effective Leadership is all About Communicating Effectively: Connecting Leadership and Communication’, vol 5, Issue 3, Juli-Sept

Argenti, Paul A 2016. Corporate Communication. Edisi 7. New York: McGraw-Hill

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Çetin, M., Karabay, M. E., & Efe, M. N. (2012). The Effects of Leadership Styles and the Communication Competency of Bank Managers on the Employee’s Job Satisfaction: The Case of Turkish Banks. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 227–235.

de Vries, R. E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W. (2010). Leadership = communication? The relations of leaders’ communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 367–380.

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Digirolamo, Joel A dan J Thomas Tkach 2019, ‘An Exploration of Managers and Leaders Using Coaching Skills’, American Psychological Association, vol. 71, no. 3, pp 195–218.

Decoding the economicof COVID-19 2020,, diakses tgl. 5 Mei 2020.

Ed, D. K., Difference, R., Fairhurst, G. T., Church, M. L., Danielle, E., & Levi, J. T. (2014). Mumby, Dennis K. (Ed.). Communicayion Research Trends, 33, 41–43.

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M Gajjar, M. A., & J Parmar, D. B. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Event Management Industry in India. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(2), 37–43.

Pepperdine, Charles D. Kerns 2016, ‘High-Impact Communicating: A Key Leadership Practice’, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol. 18, no. 5.

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Salomaa, Raija 2017, ‘Coaching of International Managers: Organizational and Individual Perspective’, Vaasan yliopist

Sharma, Pallavi 2017, ‘How Coaching Adds Value in Organisations – The Role of Individual Level Outcome’, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, special issue, no. 11.

Thompson, Shirley 2019, ‘The Power of Pragmatism: How Project Managers Benefit from Coaching Practice Through Developing Soft Skills and Self- Confidence’, International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, S13, pp 4-15.

W. Atkinson, Marilyn 2016. Art & Science of Coaching Series. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

West, Richard dan Lynn. H. Tunner 2017. Pengantar Teori Komunkasi: Analisis dan Aplikasi. Edisi 5. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.

Wikaningrum, Tri dan Udin Ahyar Yuniawan 2018, ‘The Relationships Among Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, and Employee Satisfaction: A Study on Equal Employment Opportunity in Leadership’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, vol. 13, issue 1.

Williams, Pam 2017, ‘What are The Challenges of Introducing Internal Coaching in a VUCA Context?’, International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, special issue, no. 11.

Ramkissoon, H. (2021). Social Bonding and Public Trust / Distrust in COVID-19 Vaccines. 1–5.

Anchal Luthra, Richa Dahiya 2015, ‘Effective Leadership is all About Communicating Effectively: Connecting Leadership and Communication’, vol 5, Issue 3, Juli-Sept

Argenti, Paul A 2016. Corporate Communication. Edisi 7. New York: McGraw-Hill

Aw, Suranto 2018. Komunikasi Organisasi Prinsip Komunikasi untuk peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya

Bucăţa, G., & Rizescu, A. M. (2017). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Work Effectiveness of an Organization. Land Forces Academy Review, 22(1), 49–57.

Çetin, M., Karabay, M. E., & Efe, M. N. (2012). The Effects of Leadership Styles and the Communication Competency of Bank Managers on the Employee’s Job Satisfaction: The Case of Turkish Banks. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 58, 227–235.

de Vries, R. E., Bakker-Pieper, A., & Oostenveld, W. (2010). Leadership = communication? The relations of leaders’ communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25(3), 367–380.

Devito, Joseph A 2011. Human Communication the Basic Course. Edisi 11. USA: Person Education.

Digirolamo, Joel A dan J Thomas Tkach 2019, ‘An Exploration of Managers and Leaders Using Coaching Skills’, American Psychological Association, vol. 71, no. 3, pp 195–218.

Decoding the economicof COVID-19 2020,, diakses tgl. 5 Mei 2020.

Ed, D. K., Difference, R., Fairhurst, G. T., Church, M. L., Danielle, E., & Levi, J. T. (2014). Mumby, Dennis K. (Ed.). Communicayion Research Trends, 33, 41–43.

Harvard Business Review, CoronaVirus: Leadership and Recovery, (2020).,,itself%20ahead%20of%20the%20recovery., download e-book 20 Juni 2020

Hakim, Chappy Covid-19 2020, Larangan Terbang, dan Bangkrutnya Maskapai Penerbangan,, akses 25 Juni 2020

Hall, L. Michael 2011. Coaching Conversations for Transformation Change. USA: Neuro-Semantics Publications.

______________ 2011. The Meta-Coaching System. USA: Neuro-Semantics Publications.

Husaini Usman 2020. Kepemimpinan Efektif Teori, Penelitian, & Praktik, Jakarta: PT. Bumi Aksara.

Indriastuti, Marieta., Ferdinandus Hindiarto., dan Kristiana Haryanti 2015, ‘Individual Coaching Program Dengan Metode Grow untuk Meningkatkan Kompetensi Coaching Kepala Sub Bagian Personalia PDAM Tirta Bumi Serasi Kabupaten Semarang’, Kajian Ilmiah Psikologi. vol. 4, no. 1.

Ishtiaque, Faquir dan Laila Habib 2016, ‘Impact of Internal Communication in Organizational Development’, International Journal of Trend in Research and Development, vol. 3, no. 5, pp 2394-9333.

Jane Lockwood 2018, ‘Theorising Communications Coaching in Asian Contact Centres: What is The Approach?’, Industrial and Commercial Training, vol. 50, no. 6, pp 312-325.

John, Stephen W Little dan Kren A. Foss 2018. Teori Komunikasi, Edisi 9. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika,

Kauffeld, S Jordan S 2020, ‘A Mixed Methods Study of Effects and Antecedents of Solution Focused Questions in Coaching’, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, vol. 18, no. 1, pp 57-72.

Kholisoh, Nur 2011. Komunikasi Organisasi. Jakarta: Magister Ilmu Komunikasi Pasca Sarjana Universitas Prof. DR. Moestopo.

Kingwill, Barbara Fölscher dan Nicky Terblanche 2019, ‘The Role of Coaching and Coach Language in Clients Language and Individual Change’, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, vol. 17, no. 2, pp.158-173

Kriyantono, Rachmat 2014. Riset Komunikasi. Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia Group.

Lawrence, Paul 2019, ‘What is Systemic Coaching?’, Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal, vol. 4, no. 2, pp 35-52.

Ling, Ying-Leh., Abdul Ghani., Kanesan Abdullah., dan Abdul Jalil Ali 2016, ‘Coaching Relationship and Coaching Communication: A Correlational Study’, Elixir Leadership Mgmt. 90 (2016) 37804-37807

Luthra, Anchal, dan Richa Dahiya 2015, ‘Effective Leadership is all About Communicating Effectively: Connecting Leadership and Communication’, IJMBS, vol. 5, issue 3, pp 2230-9519.

Mufti, Riza Roidila 2020, Indonesian airlines carry out layoffs to cope with COVID-19 pressures,, diakses 30 Juni 2020.

Mikkelson, A. C., York, J. A., & Arritola, J. (2015). Communication competence, leadership behaviors, and employee outcomes in supervisor-employee relationships. Business Communication Quarterly, 78(3), 336–354.

Morrissan. 2015. Teori Komunikasi Indidu Hingga Massa. Jakarta: Prenadamedia Group

Mulyana, Deddy 2013. Ilmu Komunikasi Suatu Pengantar. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.

_____________ 2013. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya

M Gajjar, M. A., & J Parmar, D. B. (2020). The Impact of COVID-19 on Event Management Industry in India. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(2), 37–43.

Pepperdine, Charles D. Kerns 2016, ‘High-Impact Communicating: A Key Leadership Practice’, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, vol. 18, no. 5.

Saleh, Akh. Muwafik 2016. Komunikasi dalam kepemimpinan Organisasi. Malang: Universitas Brawijaya Press (UB Press).

Salomaa, Raija 2017, ‘Coaching of International Managers: Organizational and Individual Perspective’, Vaasan yliopist

Sharma, Pallavi 2017, ‘How Coaching Adds Value in Organisations – The Role of Individual Level Outcome’, International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, special issue, no. 11.

Thompson, Shirley 2019, ‘The Power of Pragmatism: How Project Managers Benefit from Coaching Practice Through Developing Soft Skills and Self- Confidence’, International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, S13, pp 4-15.

W. Atkinson, Marilyn 2016. Art & Science of Coaching Series. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama.

West, Richard dan Lynn. H. Tunner 2017. Pengantar Teori Komunkasi: Analisis dan Aplikasi. Edisi 5. Jakarta: Salemba Humanika.

Wikaningrum, Tri dan Udin Ahyar Yuniawan 2018, ‘The Relationships Among Leadership Styles, Communication Skills, and Employee Satisfaction: A Study on Equal Employment Opportunity in Leadership’, Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, vol. 13, issue 1.

Williams, Pam 2017, ‘What are The Challenges of Introducing Internal Coaching in a VUCA Context?’, International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, special issue, no. 11.

Ramkissoon, H. (2021). Social Bonding and Public Trust / Distrust in COVID-19 Vaccines. 1–5.


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