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Contributions of Different Organization Politics Perception Study On Interaction Among Perception Of Organization Politics, Performance, And Trust On The Role Of Compensation

Setyabudi Indartono


In order to create a sustainable competitive advantage, companies This paper investigates the contribution of perception of organization politics (PoP) for teachers trust building and relation to teachers performance. This study was attempted to discern the important features of diferent perceptions of politics at work environment, on teachers trust and performance relationship. We proposed three hypotheses. First hypothesis is teachers perception of organizational politics will have negative relationship with teachers trust, second is teachers trust will have positive relationship with teachers performance. The 3rd ship to performance significantly (r=0.18, p.<.05). In the case on mediation, trust was fully mediated the relationship between PoP and performance ( =-.222**; =-.184), and also trust showed moderated the relationship between PoP and performance. Implication of the fndings for organizations and suggestions for future research are discussed.hypothesis was Trust will act as mediation on teachers perception of organization politics and performance relationship. The result of this study showed that both first and second hypotheses were accepted. The teachers perception of organizational politics showed negative relationship to trust signifcantly (r=-0.30, p<.01) and in case of this study, teachers trust showed positive relatin.

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