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Manajemen Stratejik Sebagai Proses Manajemen Keterdesakan

Sammy Kristamuljana


Nowadays firms are being confronted with a very diferent kind of urgency situation than they have ever encountered before. The demand to maximize proft now comes along with a call for social responsibility and the efort to minimize the efect of the climate change. Still, there is not a single text-book on Strategic Management that mentions that the urgency management process is more appropriate than the strategy management process. Most of the textbook still identify Strategic Management with the strategy management process based on the uniformed steps: Strategic Analysis, Strategy Formulation, Strategy Implementation, and Strategy Evaluation. However, in reality, the number of frms that have failed to implement strategy keeps rising. To overcome the limitation of the strategy management process we need the urgency management process. Literature study has identifed that there is urgency behind every strategy. The conducted case study research has succeeded in revealing the abovementioned urgency managetprocess. The theory of urgency management process suggests that by managing the seven forces that generate the urgency the strategic leaders can generate the proven strategies to overcome the urgency.

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