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Adopting And Implementing Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT): Poblems, Benefts, And Performance Appraisal Techniques

Lena Elitan


This article attempts to discuss about the issues on factor inducing technology adoption, some empirical fnding on AMT and the role of AMT in manufacturing
sectors. There is also growing consensus that many of the failures in adopting AMT are, in fact, due to inadequate planning for, and/or faulty implementation
of the systems. The key to successful AMT planning and implementation appears to be choice of an appropriate manufacturing systems and the attainment of an organizational infrastructure that will ofer maximum support to the chosen system. Further, this article presents an overview and guidance for manufacturing companies which are preparing to invest in advanced manufacturing technology (AMT). The purpose of this article is to explain the reasons why the company may encounter problems while adopting AMT, and to look at the many suggestions ofered by the relevant literature for improving the performance of evaluation in AMT investment. According to the our major steps in adopting AMT (i.e. strategic planning, justifcation, training and installation, and implementation) , the research work here aims to assist managers or investors to recognize problems at each step, thus ofering appropriate ways to avoid and/or solve those problems. It is believed that improved justifcation methods will encourage more frms to invest in AMT and to realize the benefts these investments can ofer.

Keywords: Investment analysis, Advanced manufacturing technologies, Problems, Benefts, Performance Appraisal Techniques.

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